Click the link to follow these instructions until step #6 then come back to this page
Logging into a Standard Windows PC
Enter this password1234
The "Interact" weigh application program will automatically launch.  
If it does not, click this icon
sign in as 'operator' with no password
You should see 'operator' in the top-right corner of the application window.

Then, click on the "weigh" button.
This will load up the weigh form
Verify that you are connected to the scale using the K-2 remote communication window.  You will see text that says "connected"
Verify that you are in "unattended mode".  If you are not you can see what the driver would see at the kiosk using the "onScale:K2A Kiosk" window that opens automatically when launching the Interact weigh form program/application.
However, by default it is in 'attended mode'.  We would like it to be automatic and therefore should be "unattended"
click the "Attended" mode button to toggle between attended and unattended modes
You will see the icon changed to unattended.  This is the preferred mode.
The Remote view of the Kiosk screen should now be showing this to the driver
Verify that Data Sync is running.  Use this link to verify. Then come back to this page.How to Start and Test Data Sync
Verify that the AWS peripheral device control is running.  You should see a traffic light icon. (2)  If you don't see the traffic light icon you may have to click the caret '^' symbol to open the quick launch overflow area to see it. (1).  If you want to make it visible all of the time you can click and drag it down into the taskbar area.  You should only see "1" of each of these icons (2)(3).  If you see more than one of each, restart the computer and begin at the top of this page.

(1) Overflow button
(2) AWS Peripheral Indicator
(3) Data Sync
Verify that the scale is showing proper weights.  At rest you should see 00 lbs. when properly tared.  There is a -20 to +20 range because all weight is entered in increments of 20 lbs.  To verify, have someone stand on the scale or drive on to it to confirm functionality to within 20 lbs of accuracy.
You can use the virtual kiosk to submit ticket information
If you are unable to print, verify that the printer has paper and toner.
any other questionscontact support by generating a ticket by sending a request email to